Don’t Delete NOW!!!
While running our workshops Vicki and I often see people deleting their shots almost as quick as you take them. One crucial aspect that we stress to our guest, unless the image that you have taken is clearly out of focus and you can see that 100% for sure , then really you shouldn’t get into the habit delete as you go.
It’s extremely difficult to make a wise decision to delete the image based on what you see on the back of your screen when you are in a hurry. It is very easy to make a massive mistake and before you are aware of what you have done , you have deleted the image.
People can respond by stating” Thats ok, with the technology of today and software programes of today, you can easily recover the image and although that is true, it does take time and a little mucking around.
In this picture of the mum and baby hippo making a run for the water, I could have easily deleted the image but I’m so glad that I didn’t. What makes the picture for me are the two baboons watching left of picture. I didn’t see them at the time of clicking this shot on the Chobe River in Botswana.
It was only once I arrived back in Australia when I had time to really go through the images to decide what I was going to keep or delete that I saw the baboons on the waters edge that I saw them and loved the role that they played in the picture.
Also when photographing while on Safari with Vicki and myself we see a lot of people deleting as we are cruising down the river or in a game vehicles and they end up missing priceless shots because they were too busy scrolling through their images to delete their own shots. Wait until you arrive back at your accommodation before you delete. You never know what you are throwing out. The small LCD screen at the back of your camera should never been used as the tool that decides what you keep, or what you delete.
We have many others that we could show you where if we deleted a the time while on location, would have been our biggest mistake ever.
Enjoy the moment you are taking pictures and wait until photographing is complete before you think about deleting.We can’t stress that enough, if you don’t then you are at risk of deleting that ” special moment”:)