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You Often Hear This… Just Wait

You often hear this..Just wait from me  so many times in the past .You’ll see other examples of the above as time goes on. People often will state that’ wow you must have a really good camera’ and you know that I have quoted that before. The camera has nothing to do with the composition of the shot, has nothing to do with being prepared to wait, has nothing to do with your own perception of what is happening around you, has nothing to do with getting up early for sunrise   and the list is endless.

All the camera does is to become that tool to capture what is before you . You have to know the know how, you have to understand how light and composition works and you have to have the knowledge that will improve your photography. The camera cannot do that for you.

In this short blog I just want to stress the importance of being prepared to wait and it is through the waiting that you can often capture something better than you did in the outset.

In this series of shots, the first shot that I took was a shot to record the event just in case the two zebras would simply run into the bush. As they were used to being watched , I said to the guide that I want to stay longer as I was hoping to capture an image that was more engaging and less distant.

The shot above was that shot to capture a moment when the foal was feeding. When you come across something like this you have no idea how long the foal will feed for. Once the shutter was pressed I was waiting for a moment that would be more engaging and that came a few minutes later when the mother made eye contact with the camera.

The image below although not directly looking at the camera still is an engaging moment as the mother appears to be looking out for your young foal to make sure they are no nasty predators lurking in the bushland

These shots where taken not because I had a good camera but rather they were taken as I know the importance of just waiting and not being in a hurry. It doesn’t have to be in Africa, its doesn’t have to be in wildlife, the same applies what ever you are capturing  and no matter what the subject, if you are prepared to wait, you will be rewarded most times.

In your waiting , if you still don’t get that shot you were hoping for, it will make you appreciate that moment when you do finally get it and you will also appreciate other images from other photographers as you will know that a lot of the time, it just doesn’t happen.

You will often hear this, just wait and I’m hoping you will know why now.

To get that shot ,you really need to be self discipline in waiting, it is as simple as that, just wait.

Pete Dobré

Author Pete Dobré

There photography is self taught and they enjoy capturing what is before them and sharing that with the wider community.What delight them is being able to show aspects of photography that people may not have thought of before.They like encourage people to look at subjects in a way that they may never have thought of.To encourage people to learn to photograph subjects that may have been out of their comfort zone.To encourage people to see and learn how to see the detail in all of the subjects that they photograph.Photography is so rewarding as you get an opportunity to freeze that moment in time to marvel the wonderful acts of nature and the material world.Every subject has its own delights and beauty and they love it when people discover that and embrace it.

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