A Blue Sky Day Is the Perfect Day ! …. Wrong !
What drives me a little crazy is when I hear people say, ‘It’s a perfect blue sky day, not a cloud in the sky, it’s just perfect.We couldn’t have hoped for better.” Wrong!! When you tune into the weather news either on the radio or on your favourite news programme on television, you’ll hear the weather forecaster say’ It’s a blue sky day,not a cloud in sight, it’s just perfect.”
Now I must add from our point of view nothing could be further from the truth.Cloudless blue sky days to both Vicki and myself are boring, not perfect and the surrounding landscapes, city scapes, seascapes etc lack depth.There is something missing and that something is crucial in bringing the picture alive.
From a photographic point of view , for us, the clouds are what makes it a perfect day to take your photos. Whether you shoot landscape, seascapes, city scapes, the clouds will always make your picture complete. Without the clouds, your picture is not complete, it lacks the depth that it deserves.
If you have never noticed the clouds before, let this be the time when you start looking sky ward and see the clouds, observe the clouds and fall in love with the clouds. If you can get to that point, your pictures will take on a new dimension.
When I was a little boy I have always admired the clouds, the forms they take, there different colours and the many textures that they take on.When I was a little boy it was not uncommon for me to walk into things outside as I spent a lot of time looking skyward.
To help prove my point with the clouds, below you’ll see several pictures of the same subject. A windmill standing in a field and the first picture is taken on that ‘perfect blue sky day” . The rest are taken on the not so perfect day.
Which do you think shines. Let me state, these images are as they were shot, no clouds have been added in these pictures as we don’t do that.Many do today and it is hard to know what is genuine, but in our case we don’t add skies.There comes a deep sense of satisfaction knowing you have captured what is before you.
The next time you are out and about and you come across something that you would like to take a picture of and it is a blue sky day, think and image what it would like like with an imposing sky. You’ll then see the added depth nature gives to your picture and it is a all done within nature and not software.
Never underestimate what the amazing clouds give us from a photographic point of view. It’s priceless and it is a free gift to us all.
Which did you prefer? The cloudless ” perfect blue sky day or the not so perfect day with emotive clouds? 🙂